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A Message about Give A Day RVA 


Hello Community Partners and Volunteers,

Thank you for your continued interest and involvement in Give A Day RVA! This year, we are taking time to re-evaluate the ways we focus our time, our partners' time, and the time of our community’s volunteers. As a result, we will not be holding our traditional Give a Day event this year. We will be working over the next six months to explore how we can elevate regional days of service – such as MLK Day, Earth Day, and Family Volunteer Day – and develop a calendar of events that serve as a catalyst for action and civic participation for our community.

HandsOn Day and Give A Day have been amazing events over the past 10 years that have introduced new volunteers to organizations and connected thousands of volunteers to the great work happening in our community. Over the years, we have had 10 different event t-shirts, crafted murals all over town, enjoyed Hardywood beers named Volunteer Brew, planted trees, cleaned closets, and moved so much mulch -- just to name a few highlights. We are proud of this work and all the connections made along the way, and we are excited to evolve this work to see what is around the corner for all of us. We look forward to sharing these next steps with you soon!

Vanessa Diamond
Sr. Vice President, Civic Innovations
Community Foundation for a greater Richmond


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